UKTC Taekwon-Do

Our Taekwon-Do lessons are across multiple locations, including: Renfrewshire, Fife, North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, and Glasgow, Find your nearest class today.

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Little Tiger Cubs Classes

UKTC Taekwon-Do Schools are proud to announce the expansion of our Little Tiger Cubs Training Programme! It is designed specifically for children aged between 3 and 5 years old.

Little Tiger Cubs

Little Tiger Cubs is a mixture of simple training exercises and games designed to assist in the physical development, improved health and increased fitness of each child. It is the perfect way to prepare your child for school.

The training programme will encourage the development of:

  • Motor skills
  • Balance
  • Eendurance
  • Flexibility
  • Strength
  • Co-ordination of eye, hand and foot

Through this development, each child should find greater self-confidence and self-esteem.

Our classes aim to harness a child’s natural desire to learn and create a stimulating environment to encourage each child to learn the necessary skills needed to become more independent. Each class has been designed to fit with the Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland) and the National Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (England & Wales).

Reward System

Our reward system will lead to each child becoming appreciative of the concept of reward coming after effort.

As well as an improvement in fitness, health and confidence, the programme will educate each child to appreciate the importance of mutual respect, non-discrimination, to maintain a positive outlook, to avoid conflict, self-control, the importance of teamwork, and to accept responsibility. As part of the overall education, advice on how to avoid and or deal with bullying which is important.

The importance of being aware of the potential dangers from strangers will also be emphasised. Simple skills and advice on basic self-protection and care will be taught to reinforce the advice given by parents or guardians.

The Little Tiger Cubs Programme

The Little Tiger Cubs programme has been designed to support and complement the education and guidance provided by parents, nursery teachers, school teachers and child protection organisations.